Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Mentor

My mentor would have to be Chuck Norris. Also known as Chuck Norris by day; Ninja Master/Walker Texas Ranger by night. Chuck Norris encourages me to keep fighting even when the odds are 50;1. You see, that is how Bruce Lee(faggot) beat him in The Way of The Dragon. Chuck Norris once told me to never give up, and always remember to tell Trevett where I'm going in case I get into a bind and lock my silver baretta in the monster truck. Well Chuck Norris is the coolest guy I KNOW. (Anmar Bataineh is my real role mode.)

My Hunt

What I'm trying to aquire. Wow. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. If I had to say everything I am trying to achieve on my journey, I would have to say; glory, honor, peace, wisdom..... (and now what I really want); attention, a bit of fame, a girl, strength, and to play in the BIG LEAGUES. The type of quest that I am on is physically demanding, as well as mentally demanding. Although I prefer the physical part much more than the mental part. Being victorious in the end, would effect everyone I love. If I make it in Pro Baseball, I will eventually become rich. I'm thinkin $15,000,000 will settle quite nicely.

I AM the Anti-Heroic Spartanic Warrior

The Anti-Heroic Spartanic Warrior. Most of you are wondering what the heck this is. It is the Hero as Warrior, mixed with the Anti-Hero. Allow myself, to explain... myself. Anyways the Hero as Warrior in me is that I have aquired the "eye of the tiger." Through my never ending battle between myself, and myself. I'm not crazy though. I promise. Hehehehehe. My main battles right now include preparing myself to make VARSITY BASEBALL next year, and troubles with a girl. My more Anti-Heroic side, (yes... believe it or not I am funny.. sometimes) is based around tryings tos makes peoples laughs alls thes times. Why are you talking like that? Freaks. (except you Mrs. Vaughn) ''D